I.I. Chapter 56 welcomed the Year of the Earth Boar with
a buffet luncheon at Pearl Country Club. Professor Gaye
Chan, Chair of the Department of Art and Art History at
the University of Hawaii spoke on several topics to
include her Eating in Public campaign, edible
weeds, and various relational art projects promoting
interaction between people and disposable objects to
include her baskets made from
recycled packing straps. Ways and Means packed the lobby
with items for sale and pigs were to be seen everywhere
-- in the exhibits, most of the centerpieces,and even a
hat! Many people and arrangements sported red, orange,
pink or white as the colors of the earth boar and one
arrangement used the Ogencho vase which was based on the
round offering vases historically
used at the Harvest Festival on the First Day of the